
Saturday, April 13, 2013

Volare Space Robotics competition.

We are triyng to entry on the first Volare Space Robotics competition. This is a competition which combines both a free use of designing and a gaming structure. For the ones we can say it allows us to think completely by ourselves and innovate in a lot of ways.

The competition consists on designing and builiding a robot that could be able to upload and unload cargo in two diferent areas. So it should be able to make its own way from one place to anothe of a low scale model of the International Space Station (ISS). On the way it must deal with some obstacles, such as a little elevated plataform or a simulating astronaut.

In orther to make it more challenging, the orders must be given wirelessly and it must be controlled by the four cameras the competition places in the model.

The aim of the competition is to transport as much cargo as it can in a limit of time of five minutes. It is also a chief point how safelly the cargo is placed in the unloading area.

It is a competition available to young students from ages 11- 19. Divided in categories.

To finalice it should be sayed to that creating a stylish good looking robot also gives you extra points, so the design gains a lot of weight. Here is a explaining video:

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